Dê uma espiadinha

terça-feira, 30 de agosto de 2016

Two countries, one heart.

     Hello guys, nomally I would write something in portuguese for people in Brazil to know all about my exchange, but today I decided to change and write a short post in english for you to know how I am doing back in Brazil, because it has been two years I left Brazil to experience the best year of my life in Canada, it is not simple. Since now, sorry for my bad english, it's been a long time without writing that much in english.
     Since I came back my life has been back to the routine I always had before, but in the beginning everything was harder, because a lot of my relatives and friends were happy to see me again, but surprisely, I was chocked to hear portuguese again and I didn't feel well at this environment, something that was bad, because I felt guilty and everyone thought I did not care about them, but it was just about giving me time and space to get used again. People don't really like to hear me talking about my exchange all the time, they would say it was annoying because I would not stop talking about it, but now I kind got back to the reality, I talk a little less about my exchange, I met new people, I need and want to work and I am going to university for business.
     Everyone thinks we go back to our home countries and share this experience like it was another normal trip, but no. There is a phrase that every exchange student use to represent this amazing year, the phrase is the following one: "It is not just another year of your life, it is a life in a year". That is what exchange represents to me, because we learn all over again how to to speak, to go to school and make new friends, to be independent and to love the family, in my case, four lovely families. I think the fact that makes me miss Canada even more is because people would treat me so well, not saying that I'm mistreated in Brazil, but treated in a different way, where people can really see the potential you have and really give the opportunity for you to show what you are capable of.
     If there is a tip I could give to the next exchange students from all around the world is to enjoy your time as much as you can, be open minded, be respectful to be respected, travel a lot, interact with your rotary club and meet new people. My district in Brazil (4650) gave to the exchange students from the year of 2014 a manual before we travel and a phrase called my attention, the phrase is: "No one is equal, each chairman, committee, club, family... is unique! Not worst, not better... simply: different."It all depends of you (exchange student) to adapt and enjoy this amazing year because as Charles Darwin say:
"It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change."
     Because of this amazing experience I think I became I better person, someone more confident and happy, but above all, a dreamer. The reason I really miss my exchange is because everthing and everyone made it the best time of my life and I enjoyed every single moment I had with you canadians and exchange students, the trips, the soccer games, the school, the host families, friends, everything. Soon I want to go back and visit Canada, and in the future if everything goes well, I wish to live over there, but always being proud to be brazilian. Don't forget that you guys got to come and visit Brazil too, it is a beautiful country. 
     That is it for today, if you would like to add an experience you had or complement with something else, feel free to do it. And if you like the post, share and like. See you hopefully soon Canada.